Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Things And Stuff

Alright, so we're nearing the end of the first month and I'd have to say it went rather well, all things considered. Before November hits I want to push out three more math rock posts (One general and two more band-focus-thingies), so expect those to come very soon. I've already got a genre in mind for the next month but I think I'll try to be a lot less ambitious from now on and just do more "showing" than "telling," otherwise I'm never going to have time to talk about anything else around here.

Which leads me into my next point, where does your interest lie so far (You being the concrete audience member within the nebulous crowd, I want you specifically to tell me)? I've only done two philosophy posts so far, but I'm trying not to drown the blog in them (And I'm admittedly also waiting for a bit more participation, only one person has really taken the bait so far). I think if there is more dialogue going on then we can keep this slower pace, so that everything can work itself out organically, but if this is just going to remain a soapbox I'm fine with pushing out a higher quantity of those posts.

Boardgaming... hasn't taken off. The problem here is that while I spend more time on BGG than on facebook (And anyone who has added me on facebook knows how much time I spend there) I'm not really sure what to talk about in such a one-sided presentation. I have a couple ideas for some stand-alone posts in the nearish future (One requires a bit of a time commitment and the other requires a second set of hands, but I'll get around to them soon enough) but I'd really like for there to be a more consistent way to work it into the flow information, seeing as it's supposedly one of the "big three" themes here. Would anyone be interested in a "what looks cool" sort of thing where I just pick out a game that I think looks cool (Things I don't have yet, in other words, as with the size of my current collection this series wouldn't last long) and talk about it a bit? Maybe I could also write reviews every now and then. I don't know, maybe it'll work itself out somehow.

On a more general note, my posts are full of typos and other errors. In all fairness, that's because I almost always write these either very late at night (Or early in the morning, depending on perspective) or when I'm in some sort of rush (Even at this moment I'm expecting a call in ~3 minutes. At some point in this paragraph I'm going to stop writing for like four hours and then come back to it and you'll have absolutely no idea when it occurred in the text. Isn't that awesome?), but I'd still like to avoid it as much as possible. I'm aware of a couple of things that need to be fixed but if you see any please let me know. Those things but me.

And I guess that's more or less it, actually. Please comment if you've got any opinion on... well, any of that. Also, I'm going to look into figuring out hyperlinks so that the music threads will be more user friendly but in the meantime it's easy enough to just browse with two windows (Just paste the links into the second window, as I'm sure you already know). Apparently the comment system here is a bit wonky as well, so I'll get that figured out and do a short blurb on how it works in an upcoming post just in case anyone is having troubles (I know of at least one person that is, so this isn't purely unfounded rationalization).

Anyways, stay tuned.

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